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Fuel Surcharge

Fuel surcharge will be shown as a separate entry on our freight bill and will be applied to net line-haul charge, after applicable discounts and to all charges for other services that consume fuel.

Download Fuel Surcharge Notice (pdf)

Fuel Index
Fuel Index
Surcharge for
LTL < 20,000 lbs
Surcharge for
LTL > 20,000 lbs
$3.551 03-03-2025 32.450% 64.900% 03-05-2025
$3.697 02-24-2025 32.850% 65.700% 02-26-2025
$3.677 02-17-2025 32.850% 65.700% 02-19-2025
$3.665 02-10-2025 32.850% 65.700% 02-12-2025
$3.660 02-03-2025 32.850% 65.700% 02-05-2025
$3.659 01-27-2025 32.850% 65.700% 01-29-2025
$3.715 01-20-2025 33.250% 66.500% 01-22-2025
$3.602 01-13-2025 32.450% 64.900% 01-15-2025
$3.561 01-06-2025 32.050% 64.100% 01-08-2025
$3.503 12-30-2024 31.650% 63.300% 01-01-2025
$3.476 12-23-2024 31.250% 62.500% 12-25-2024
$3.494 12-16-2024 31.250% 62.500% 12-18-2024
$3.458 12-09-2024 31.250% 62.500% 12-11-2024
$3.540 12-02-2024 31.650% 63.300% 12-04-2024
$3.539 11-25-2024 31.650% 63.300% 11-27-2024
$3.491 11-18-2024 31.250% 62.500% 11-20-2024
$3.521 11-11-2024 31.650% 63.300% 11-13-2024
$3.536 11-04-2024 31.650% 63.300% 11-06-2024
$3.573 10-28-2024 32.050% 64.100% 10-30-2024
$3.553 10-21-2024 32.050% 64.100% 10-23-2024
$3.631 10-14-2024 32.450% 64.900% 10-16-2024
$3.584 10-07-2024 32.050% 64.100% 10-09-2024
$3.544 09-30-2024 31.650% 63.300% 10-02-2024
$3.539 09-23-2024 31.650% 63.300% 09-25-2024
$3.526 09-16-2024 31.650% 63.300% 09-18-2024
$3.555 09-09-2024 32.050% 64.100% 09-10-2024
$3.625 09-02-2024 32.450% 64.900% 09-04-2024
$3.651 08-26-2024 32.850% 65.700% 08-28-2024
$3.688 08-19-2024 32.850% 65.700% 08-21-2024
$3.704 08-12-2024 33.250% 66.500% 08-14-2024
$3.755 08-05-2024 33.650% 67.300% 08-07-2024
$3.768 07-29-2024 33.650% 67.300% 07-31-2024
$3.779 07-22-2024 33.650% 67.300% 07-24-2024
$3.826 07-15-2024 34.050% 68.100% 07-17-2024
$3.865 07-08-2024 34.450% 68.900% 07-10-2024
$3.813 07-01-2024 34.050% 68.100% 07-03-2024
$3.769 06-24-2024 33.650% 67.300% 06-26-2024
$3.735 06-17-2024 33.250% 66.500% 06-19-2024
$3.658 06-10-2024 32.850% 65.700% 06-12-2024
$3.726 06-03-2024 33.250% 66.500% 06-05-2024
$3.758 05-27-2024 33.650% 67.300% 05-29-2024
$3.789 05-20-2024 33.650% 67.300% 05-22-2024
$3.848 05-13-2024 34.050% 68.100% 05-15-2024
$3.894 05-06-2024 34.450% 68.900% 05-08-2024
$3.947 04-29-2024 34.850% 69.700% 05-01-2024
$3.992 04-22-2024 35.250% 70.500% 04-24-2024
$4.015 04-15-2024 35.650% 71.300% 04-17-2024
$4.061 04-08-2024 36.050% 72.100% 04-10-2024
$3.996 04-01-2024 35.250% 70.500% 04-03-2024
$4.034 03-25-2024 35.650% 71.300% 03-27-2024
$4.028 03-18-2024 35.650% 71.300% 03-20-2024
$4.004 03-11-2024 35.650% 71.300% 03-13-2024
$4.022 03-04-2024 35.650% 71.300% 03-06-2024

All rates and charges published in any participating tariff, Contracts or Pricing Agreements, or Computer Rating Systems applying single line or jointly with a concurring carrier are hereby or will on their effective dates be increased as provided above for the period this Fuel Surcharge Notice is in effect, unless otherwise specifically stated to the contrary.

In applying the surcharge provided herein, first determine the applicable net freight charges, (the term "net freight charges" referred to herein applies to all charges including accessorial charges for services that consume fuel) including all applicable increases or discounts, if any. The net freight charge so determined will be the charge to which the surcharge provided herein will apply.

The Fuel Surcharge will be adjusted on Wednesday of each week based on the U.S. National Average Fuel Index of the prior Monday. Increases or decreases will take effect on each Wednesday based on the above formula table. The Energy Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy, is available by telephone at 202-586-6966 or on the department's internet site:

Revenue resulting from application of the fuel surcharge is passed along to the individuals or entities actually bearing the burden of the increased fuel cost.